

Discovery is a global company with ten business units supplying health insurance, 汽车保险, life insurance and financial services to nearly six million people in South Africa, 英国, 亚洲和美国. Discovery has expanded from being solely a healthcare company to a multifaceted corporation offering innovative services to meet the evolving needs of its clients since its origin two decades ago.


  • 公司规模:10万+员工,10个事业部
  • Countries Supported: South Africa, United Kingdom, Asia, United States
  • 网络管理软件:企业网络管理

Discovery’s ongoing expansion was straining its global network infrastructure and services delivery. 有超过10个,000+ internal users and an IT staff of approximately 250 including 4 dedicated network engineers. 支持1万多个用户并不是一件容易的事. 在全球拥有超过800个网络设备, Discovery needed a network management solution that could provide critical network visibility to quickly identify network issues. They needed to keep service delivery at high levels to ensure that each business unit remained productive.

今天, Discovery is in the process of moving into a new state-of-the-art facility that will consolidate multiple data centers into a new, 南非的一个数据中心. The IT team there will see a dramatic increase in the number of monitored devices they will be responsible for when this new data center becomes operational. Their Entuity network management solution will equip them with the ability to keep Discovery’s network reliably operating for the ten business units around the world.

当你的公司在全球扩张时,成长的烦恼是不可避免的. The challenge for Discovery was to support their various business units with always-on network services. When your company provides health and financial services there is no room for error. From third-party healthcare providers and end-users to Discovery employees, 每个人都依赖于全天候的健康或财务问题. Initially network management was accomplished through a mix of disparate tools, which did not provide proactive alerting or necessary network management capabilities, 比如容量规划, 这对探索频道的业务增长和成功至关重要.

There was limited visibility into how many network devices and links were up, Down或出现错误. Measuring Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and latency was also difficult and not fully accurate. The increasing complexity of applications and network expansion was leading to more outages affecting company productivity and escalating capacity issues. 单一功能, 非集成网络管理应用效果不佳, 高效或准确. “尽管应用程序和各种十大赌博正规老平台的需求不断增长, 没有全面了解我们的网络, 我们的资源并不总是得到有效利用,Paul Du Plessis说, Discovery IT通信经理. The Discovery IT team realized that to successfully support the company, 是时候推出企业级网络管理解决方案了.

Perhaps the greatest IT engineering challenge for any growing company is its ability to respond quickly when adding new services, 支持不断增长的终端用户群, 支持新技术. 发现号蓬勃发展, and the IT organization needed greater network visibility and insight into how the network was being used and how to expand it effectively to provision the company’s rapid expansion. 经过对多个网管产品的全面评估, 选择了企业网络管理.

Entuity拥有单一产品中最广泛、最深入的功能. Even during the evaluation process, Entuity uncovered some “hidden” issues. 例如, 关键链路的接口利用率较高, sdi被曝光, traffic patterns were highlighted and the lack of 容量规划 was evident. Entuity’s proof of concept showed its ability to function as an enterprise class network management solution through its ease of navigation and all-in-one view, 从而提供了探索号全球网络的准确图像. “没有Entuity,保罗·杜·普莱西说, “we would not have the realtime visibility to ensure our network is supporting the entire corporation.”

“Entuity is quick to respond to our hardware vendor interoperability requests and we appreciate how they continue to adapt to shifts in technology. For us to have a software vendor that always improves its product is instrumental to our continued success as an IT organization.”
——Paul Du Plessis, Discovery公司IT通讯经理

The Discovery IT team now has an all-in-one integrated network management solution. The key improvement using Entuity has been in end-user satisfaction levels. 自安装Entuity以来, 团队能够更主动地做出反应, 这导致了更短的事件解决时间, 一致的正常运行时间和依次, 快乐的客户. The ability to quickly track the root cause of an outage creates less stress for the IT department and improves their own engineer time management. 它还会对网络的性能产生明显的影响. 使用Entuity, the IT Operations team estimates it has decreased Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) of problems involving PCs, 十大赌博正规老平台器和交换机减少三分之二, 释放宝贵资源,提高生产力.

Improved network management is further achieved with increased visibility to changes in routing neighbors of network devices. This new automatic alerting on changes allows IT to proactively manage any associated detrimental events that might be triggered. 另外, 的提醒, 容量规划, and real-time visibility features provided by Entuity have given the Discovery IT organization:

  • 提高网络管理效率
  • 准确的数据,做出更明智的决定
  • 降低操作复杂性
  • 企业网络管理取得的主要成果包括:
  • Ease of network scalability and addition of appropriate IT resources for ongoing company expansion
  • Reduced number of service outages with improved alerting and root cause analysis
  • Decreased MTTR by two-thirds and increased end-user satisfaction and productivity

拥抱数字化世界观, Entuity provides digital network analytics for the changing enterprise. 我们的高度自动化, 统一, enterprise-class solution puts deep network insight at your fingertips, 使IT人员能够专注于战略项目, 并且很容易与主流框架环境集成. Entuity’s support and services teams are frequently praised for their rapid response, 网络专业知识和参与特殊活动.